Fragramatics Model Quadra
Create greater impulse income with the model Quadra. This unit combines super vac, turbo vac, fragrance and spot removing shampoo to give customers the choice to switch between services. When services are switched, the computer control automatically recalculates remaining service. Choose from more than 30 proprietary fragrances.
*Super Vac
*Turbo Vac
*Three Fragrances
*Spot Removing Shampoo
Fragramatics Model SAV
Generate greater impulse income with the model SAV. This unit offers customers the option of switching between super vac or turbo vac. As with our other units, when services are switched the computer control automatically recalculates remaining service.
*Super Vac
*Turbo Vac
Fragramatics Model SAV-S
Create greater impulse income with the model SAV-S. The unit combines super vac, turbo vac and spot removing shampoo to give customers the choice to switch between services. When services are switched, the computer control automatically recalculates remaining service.
*Super Vac
*Turbo Vac
*Spot Removing Shampoo
Fragramatics Model SAV-F
Create greater impulse income with this model SAV-F. The unit combines super vac, turbo vac and three fragrances to give customers the choice to switch between services. When services are switched, the
computer control automatically recalculates remaining service. Choose from more than 30 proprietary fragrances.
*Super Vac
*Turbo Vac
*Three Fragrances
Fragramatics Model FV3
The model FV3 offers customers the option of adding a finishing touch of a pleasant fragrance after they vacuum. Our patented bubbling three-column visual display attracts customers and is considered by many operators as a proven customer magnet. Choose from more than 30 proprietary fragrances.
*Ultra-Quiet Vac
*Three-Fragrance Dispenser
Fragramatics Model SVSR
Create greater impulse income with the model SVSR. This unit combines shampoo, vacuum and spot remover to give customers the choice to switch between services. The computer control automatically recalculates remaining time and value of services.
*Ultra-Quiet Vac
*Dri-Foaming Shampoo
*Dri-Foaming Spot Remover
Fragramatics Model SVSR-P
Generate greater profits with the model SVSR-P. This model provides the
same services as the model SVSR and adds our exclusive new carpet
protectant to help build repeat business and appeal to new car owners
as prospects. Conversion units are available to add the carpet
protectant option to SVSR units already in service.
* Ultra-Quiet Vac
* Dri-Foaming Shampoo/Spot Remover
* Dri-Foaming Carpet Protectant